Loulé Interfood Fest, 12th and 13th of November, at the Gama Lobo Palace
The event is free to enter and will present a producers’ market, show cookings, various workshops, cooking classes, B2B meetings, among other initiatives, promising to promote knowledge of local products and local cuisine

Loulé Interfood Fest is an event that brings together consumers, food producers, chefs, tourism agents and professionals from other public and private organizations committed to enhancing and promoting local products and gastronomy from the Algarve and the Provinces of Cadiz and Huelva.
It will be taking place in Loulé, at the Gama Lobo Palace, from 10:00 am to 17:30 pm, Friday 12th and Saturday 13th of November.

Canja de Muxama (Muxama Soup), presented for the “À Mesa do Baixo Guadiana: a Serra, o Rio e o Mar” initiative
The initiative “À Mesa do Baixo Guadiana: a Serra, o Rio e o Mar” (“At the Baixo Guadiana Table: the Mountains, the River and the Sea”) will be present at the Loulé Interfood Fest , and Rui Silvestre – the Algarve-based chef who in 2015 became the youngest ever in Portugal to be awarded a Michelin star-, is the gastronomic ambassador of the initiative, presented in October in Castro Marim, which will be now present at the Gama Lobo Palace.

Chef Rui Silvestre, one of the country’s most successful chefs, who in 2015 became the youngest ever in Portugal to be awarded a Michelin star
At 10:40 am, at the Gastronomy Laboratory, Chef Rui Silvestre will teach a cooking class and share his recipe for Ray and Almonds with capers from Baixo Guadiana. At 12:40 pm, Chef Rui Silvestre will also be in the space dedicated to show cookings and will present the Tartaro de Rabilho and Canja de Muxama (Muxama Soup) dishes. A unique opportunity to share knowledge and flavours.

À Mesa do Baixo Guadiana: a Serra, o Rio e o Mar initiative
At the Loulé Interfood Fest, there will also be a dedicated space for B2B networking for those interested to know more about gastronomy business-related questions such as the procedures to register a brand and its patents, internationalization, commercialization, financing and innovation, and professional training.
After the lunch break, there will be a presentation at 14:00 pm on Innovation and Internationalization of Local Products, with Eduardo Esteves from the Food Engineering Department of the University of Algarve, Carlos Simão from the Trade & Investment Agency (AICEP) which provides technical support to exporting or potentially exporting companies in Portugal, Paula Vicente and Abílio Guerreiro from the EHTA (Hotel & Tourism School, Algarve), João Currito and Nuno Alves from “Carob World“, Miguel Rodrigues from “I’m Nat”, Tiago Braga “Bake my Dog Happy” and Ludovic Gago, Medronho Bottle.
Starting at 14:30 pm, Otília Eusébio from Slow Food International will present a culinary class, while at the same time all interested visitors can do some product tasting at the “Vitalizar” demonstration space, where chefs Ricardo Bernardo, Rui Caetano, Margarida Rodrigues, Ricardo Encarnação and students of Cousine and Restaurant & Bar courses from the Secondary School Laura Ayres, Quarteira, will be displaying their works.
The complete program for the festival can be found here:
Participation in Gastronomy Laboratories, Workshops and B2B is subject to registration through this website and limited to existing places. However, registrations are already sold out, but in the event of withdrawal, more applications will be accepted directly at the event.