International Marketing & Innovation Conferen...

International Marketing & Innovation Conference ‘SHARE Algarve’ returns on April 14 & 15

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, SHARE Algarve has been postponed until October 22 & 23

International speakers, workshops, entrepreneurship and speed-networking competitions: SHARE Algarve returns to Vilamoura on April 14 and 15 — with promises of being be the “best to date”

The International Marketing & Innovation Conference SHARE Algarve is planning for its return to the Algarve Congress Centre, with the event welcoming CEOs, marketing directors, industry leaders and curious people to Vilamoura.

SHARE Algarve 2019

In this fourth edition of SHARE Algarve, the main stage will host speakers from the most diverse areas, with this year’s focus on “the intention is to share real stories and success stories”, says Jorge Cabaço, founder of SHARE Algarve.

The Marketing stage will have a more practical component this year, offering various workshops over the event’s two-day period (for a maximum of 100 participants). In the area of innovation — something that the organisation is determined to further develop in the region — the conference will be the stage for a Startups competition, which will award the winning startup €5,000 for services and mentoring from ASA Accelerator.

While the full list of speakers will be announced in March, some of the welcomed guests include Tim Vieira, Francisco Morgado Véstia, Gonçalo Castel Branco, Adam Haywood, Andreas Muller, among many others and from the most diverse areas.

Tim Vieira (known for his participation in the Shark Tank Portugal) is the CEO of Bravegeneration Europe and has investments across the country in the areas of Agriculture, Services, Information Technology, Human Resources, Film Production, Real Estate and Tourism. Francisco Morgado Véstia is the country manager of SamyRoad — the largest marketing agency for Influencers in Europe and Latin America, and Gonçalo Castel Branco is a renowned political strategist and responsible for projects such as ‘The Presidential’ and ‘Chefs on Fire’. Adam Haywood (creative director of Mantra Collective) has worked with agencies such as FCB Inferno, Leo Burnett, Wieden & Kennedy, Publicis and Euro RSCG. He has helped launch products and brands for clients in all sorts of industries and promises to bring valuable insight to the stage. Renowned SEO expert Andreas Mueller will bring a more practical component by launching a workshop on the topic on the Marketing stage.

SHARE Algarve 2019

One of the great advantages of SHARE Algarve is the chance to network — and considering there will be so many marketing and communication professionals in the Algarve all at once, the conference presents the ideal opportunity to do so. However, since networking doesn’t always flow naturally (especially with a program rich in presentations), this edition of SHARE Algarve will hold two moments of ‘Speed Networking’ to get people talking, exchange contacts and perhaps even form partnerships, according to Maria Nobre de Carvalho (Public Relations for the conference). “It’s not a new concept, but it’s the first time we’ve brought it to SHARE, and we’re confident it will be a success.”

SHARE Algarve 2019

As with last year, the number of tickets will be 1200 (priced between €70 – €190). Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased here (and until February 29, Early Bird tickets are available for €70 + IVA).

In partnership with the University of the Algarve, there are also tickets for €35 for students (please note that these tickets are only available for purchase directly through the organisation and upon presentation of proof of student registration).

For more information about SHARE Algarve, visit or email [email protected]

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