Big tiny smiles
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Vitra Clinic opened in 2021 with a promise: “Modern dentistry with your comfort in mind.”
After two and half years of affirmation as a reference in dental care in the Algarve, Dr Ana Pragosa and Dr Sergio Sousa, founders and directors of Vitra Clinic, dreamed of something innovative and that would upgrade the existing dental facility, integrating a new Kids Area, specially dedicated to their younger patients.

Every detail counts when you try to set higher standards, but the human factor is obviously the greatest asset of this project. Since its opening, the team of doctors, dental nurses and receptionists has remained together, having recently been reinforced with four new members.

In May 2023, the clinic expanded with three new clinical offices and a new reception/waiting area dedicated to children. Great care and thought were put into this area, with the objective of creating a relaxing and playful environment that allows for a more tranquil appointment, causing less stress and building good memories of the dental office.
The new wing is dedicated to the “future” and will combine pediatric dental and medical care and speech therapy – an integrated medical approach to children’s well-being in a very comfortable and well-equipped facility.

Moreover, the investment in digital dentistry went several steps further and Vitra Clinic is now fully equipped with optical scanners dismissing the old “impression/cast” techniques, ultrasonic piezo surgery, microscope-assisted root canal treatments, etc. being that the ultimate goal still remains the comfort and quality of treatment.
According to its directors, Vitra Clinic grew in the only direction they could have wished for… to become even better, to offer patients even more quality in a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

All said, the new facilities, the upgraded technology, the team that remains together and has grown even stronger continue to offer the best in dental implants, dental aesthetics, orthodontics with invisible aligners, endodontics, dental sleep medicine and GBT oral hygiene and now go the extra step in becoming a true family clinic that exceeds all expectations.
T. +351 282 353 285
E. [email protected]
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