It’s official: Living in the Algarve Seminar...

It’s official: Living in the Algarve Seminars are going global

Moving to Portugal, Algarve

Next Living in the Algarve event confirmed for September 22 at Conrad Algarve and international events in the pipeline, including Spain and the USA

Following on from the success of the first two Living in the Algarve events held at the Tivoli Carvoeiro in April and the Cascade Wellness Resort near Lagos in June, the next event will be held on September 22 at the Conrad Algarve Hotel in Quinta do Lago, occupying the hotel’s main ballroom.

Open Media Group Magazines and Newspapers – Portugal Resident, Essential Algarve, Barlavento, Vivre le Portugal, Inside Carvoeiro and Inside Lagos, Clubhouse Algarve

Organised by the Open Media Group, publishers of magazines and newspapers such as Essential Algarve and Portugal Resident, the events provide anyone looking for information about living in Portugal with the opportunity to attend a morning or afternoon session, free of charge, obtaining expert information on a wide range of subjects.

The concept of the events, brainchild of Open Media Group CEO Bruce Hawker, was developed in 2019, ready to launch in 2020, but had to be suspended for two years due to Covid-related restrictions.

“Our plan from the outset was to hold a schedule of events both here on the ground in Portugal and in different countries around the world, wherever there is a strong appetite for moving to Portugal,” said Bruce.

Also still to take place this year is an event in Marbella, Spain, in November. “This is aimed at expats of varied nationalities, or even Spanish nationals, who may have heard about the tax benefits offered under Portugal’s Non-Habitual Resident scheme,” he explained. “We had heard many reports from estate agents and tax advisers in the Algarve about Costa del Sol residents looking to Portugal as an alternative, due in part to the tax benefits. We are expecting the event and our planned advertising campaign to cause something of a stir down in Marbella.”

Portugal dreaming!

The first events outside of Europe are also now confirmed and will take place in both Los Angeles and San Francisco, with the chosen locations being based on research carried out by Open Media.

The company ran a survey promoted on social media in various US states where demand for moving to Portugal seemed to be highest. This was backed up with a geo-targeted campaign on the website which has a strong US readership. The results of the survey confirmed suspicions that the strongest demand lays in California, resulting in a roadshow seminar event that will take place in February 2023 in the state’s two main cities, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

“The news of our events has been well received by Portugal’s government bodies in California, such as AICEP and the Portuguese Consulate, whilst we are in contact with other entities such as the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce in the USA,” said Bruce.

Open Media Group CEO Bruce Hawker at the Living in the Algarve Seminar June 15th 2022, Cascade Wellness Resort, Lagos

The California events will promote the whole of Portugal and are branded “Living in Portugal”, as will the next event taking place back in Portugal, this time in Lisbon, which is scheduled for March 2023.

Other plans for next year include repeats of the three events in the Algarve whilst new locations are currently being researched; “South Africa and Hong Kong are both firmly on the radar,” according to Bruce Hawker.

Conrad Algarve event

But back to the Algarve and the upcoming event, the seminar at Conrad Algarve will feature speakers with a broad range of expertise, from tax and residency matters to healthcare, architecture and real estate.

“Amongst the speakers and event partners, we are able to answer pretty much any question a potential resident of the Algarve may have for us,” said Bruce. “The idea of these events is to provide information in a one-stop-shop situation where visitors can take part in our seminars and meet the experts one-on-one in a relaxing environment.”

Living in the Algarve event, June 15th 2022, Cascade Wellness Resort, Lagos Algarve

Each of the identical morning/afternoon sessions have a coffee-break half way through and a wine tasting at the end, allowing visitors time to visit the desks of the various companies taking part.

Event partners for the event are AFPOP, Blevins Franks, Core Architects, Family Medical Centres, Fine & Country, Martínez Echevarría Lawyers, Medal Insurance, Ombria Resort, Quinta do Lago and the Sovereign Group.

Attendance is free of charge, but seminar places must be booked in advance online by visiting

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